accidents- nothing out of the ordinary, two pee and one poop. Maybe by the time she's in Kindergarten she'll be truly potty trained.
incidents - caught with a pair of scissors, luckily before any damage was done. Not like last week when she made a gave a few snips to our brand new bed spread. The other incident - gave Cameron a nice, bloody, fat lip in nursery by pushing him around on a toy when she was supposed to be sitting and listening to the lesson.
And she was totally posing for this picture. After I took it she smiled and wanted to see it. She didn't like the first one I took, so I had to take another one.
Oh my gosh... i love this blog already! Nina is so hilarious and CRAZY. I'm excited (for my entertainment purposes) and nervous (for you) for all of the future posts. Thanks!
You got a new bedspread? I CANNOT believe you didn't tell me that!
Oh yeah, and take word verification off. It's annoying.
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